The media attacks the aviation industry

It seems like the media is constantly assaulting the aviation industry everyday. I just saw a new article in USA Today about how EAS airports are a huge waste of money ect ect. This article comes on the heels of a story last week that attacked federal funding of GA airports. I am a big time supporter of the constitution and the 1st amendment (makes APC forums possible ) but it seems like the newspapers don't realize how their sensationalizing of these negative aviation stories hurts our already extremely fragile industry. In the grand scheme of government spending, the dollars spent subsidizing airports and EAS is nothing compared to other wasteful government programs such as medicare/medicaid ect.
We need to write these publications and let them know how their irresponsible sensationalizing of these stories is hurting our industry.
What's the easiest way to make a story big. Isolate a small group and make them look bad to the populous regardless of how right or wrong it may be.
Good point, I guess it sells papers (and votes) to make everyone feel like victims of a small "privileged" group.
Isn't is a bit ironic that the "typical" readers of USA Today are business travelers and Flight Crew? The hotel hallways at 4:00 AM are littered with this "newspaper".

Seems to me it's a little like biting the hand that feeds you.
Tracking Your Taxes: Is Essential Air Service Really Essential? - Political News -

Heres a link to an EAS bashing article.
Why should my tax dollars subsidize someones vacation, business or paycheck?
The wanker that wrote from Huffington Report about his trip from IAD-SEA on UA was comical.