RE-POST - Charter Co. For Air Ambulance

Sorry Guys and Gals, I should have been more explicit. The company does NOT have to be an air ambulance fact it's probably better that they're not. I just want to use their aircraft for MY air ambulance operation. If the company is dwindling, then maybe a contract with us might help turn them around as well as fill our aircraft needs. Sorry for the misunderstanding!!!

"I'm wondering if some of you might be able to help me out. I'm in the process of starting an air ambulance company and looking for a charter operation that operates Lear 35's that might be in a bind because of the economy. We would like to find such an operation and develop a contract for a "per hour" fee. If any of you folks know of an operation like this, I'd sure like to know about it. Thanks!"
Where are you located? PM me if you want and I do know of a group that operates a Lears and several Citations that might be interested in helping you out.
Do you plan on apply for CAMTS accreditation?

CAMTS - Home

Medicare reimbusment may depend on it in the near future...

Money shouldn't be the only reason to be CAMTS approved, safety and approval from other aero-medical operations should be at the top of your reasons.