Mesa PBS LOA: 11/6 Deadline incl. Pilot Vote

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Good Job Mesa Pilots!

This from the MAG MEC Hotline:

"If an acceptable LOA is not achieved by November 6, the MEC will support the removal of PBS. This would constitute a change in work rules and require a pilot vote."

Keep up the pressure on your elected representatives to act on your concerns and positive results may follow. Stay involved and don't settle for less. Continue to e-mail your representatives and don't forget that it is indeed possible to obtain a better QOL at Mesa with our collective input.

This is a good thing indeed. I think the pilots are going to have to play hard ball this Nov.
As a very vocal pilot and union volunteer, MAG pilots (on a whole) DO NOT have a great track record as far as militance toward the company that they work for.....
Quote: As a very vocal pilot and union volunteer, MAG pilots (on a whole) DO NOT have a great track record as far as militance toward the company that they work for.....
Considering the fact that going to work for a company is a de facto vote for their current contract, that's pretty obvious.
Come on folks, if Pinnacle can man up so can you...better late than never.
Quote: Come on folks, if Pinnacle can man up so can you...
Wanna bet?
Quote: Wanna bet?
Great attitude. Talk to the guys you fly with. Ask them if their QOL is better now, with PBS, than it was before. You'll be surprised how many guys claim they wouldn't vote PBS out, but when challenged regarding their days off and control of their schedule, they admit it is on par or worse with PBS. Not saying your going to change everyone's mind, but you will definitely plant a seed.

You've got a month to talk to everyone you fly with and see and ask them these questions and urge them to do the right thing for the pilot group, not just for themselves.

The senior guys (and the stupid people at this airline) sold the bottom 2/3 of the list down the river the first time when they voted yes on the contract. Urge them to make up for their mistake buy helping us vote PBS out.
Quote: Great attitude. Talk to the guys you fly with. Ask them if their QOL is better now, with PBS, than it was before. You'll be surprised how many guys claim they wouldn't vote PBS out, but when challenged regarding their days off and control of their schedule, they admit it is on par or worse with PBS. Not saying your going to change everyone's mind, but you will definitely plant a seed.

You've got a month to talk to everyone you fly with and see and ask them these questions and urge them to do the right thing for the pilot group, not just for themselves.

The senior guys (and the stupid people at this airline) sold the bottom 2/3 of the list down the river the first time when they voted yes on the contract. Urge them to make up for their mistake buy helping us vote PBS out.
Well it's not that I have a ridiculously bad attitude, I think I'm just being realistic and not becoming overly hopeful.

I have been communicating with folks I fly with and those that I see in the crew room. Most aren't happy with it, but like I said to Sniper, I'm not sure if they are just saying that to appease me, or if they really mean it.

Are you ORD based?
I just hope if this is voted on, it doesn't come down to 418-400
this is good... doesn't it seem that with pbs the power lies within managements hands? The pilot group needs to be unified on this as i don't feel it'll will improve the status/fiscal position of the company but might help morale. Mesa seems like such a house divided ... with no one really willing to "man up" much as people need a face to blame and often look to the mec to vent i hope the active pilot group cares enough about the overall picture because as of now they only seem to be voting themselves out of jobs.
- buenas
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