Employment Verification - FDX

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Atlas too......
Everyone is doing it, we (Atlas/Polar) got hit with this a couple months ago, after being here for almost 12 years, I find it silly that I have to prove that I work for this company.
If we weren't screened properly then why are we all in CAAS?

If we were screened properly this is big waste of $$. I sense an attempt by the DOHS to justify their budget (existence?)

My favorite forms of verification -

8. Native American Tribal document
9. Canadian drivers license
10. School report card
11. clinic record
12. Day-care or nursery school record
If My Top Secret Compartmentalized Military clearance isn't good enough, then they can pack sand........all you security agencies out there.......start talking to each other and stop the clown show!!!!!! My 1st Grade teacher has been bothered enough by your questions about me x 12 !!!!! Sheesh ......you trust me with a Bucket o' Sunshine....but You want me to verify my civilian employment?????? .....****?
Quote: If My Top Secret Compartmentalized Military clearance isn't good enough, then they can pack sand........all you security agencies out there.......start talking to each other and stop the clown show!!!!!! My 1st Grade teacher has been bothered enough by your questions about me x 12 !!!!! Sheesh ......you trust me with a Bucket o' Sunshine....but You want me to verify my civilian employment?????? .....****?
They have no visibility on your clearance and no access anyway.
We asked why DOD could not officially share clearance info for purposes of CRAF participation, TSA screening and other things, etc. The simple answer was threefold: Privacy act issues, different data required by each federal agency, and so stovepiped they can't effectively communicate and share/manage the data.
With the title of the FCIF, they are going to find that about 90% of the guys didn't even read it.

I thought it was about how to verify employment when you need to prove to a third party that you work for FedEx, for example, when you apply for a mortgage. Skipped it, then found this thread.
Quote: They have no visibility on your clearance and no access anyway.
We asked why DOD could not officially share clearance info for purposes of CRAF participation, TSA screening and other things, etc. The simple answer was threefold: Privacy act issues, different data required by each federal agency, and so stovepiped they can't effectively communicate and share/manage the data.
kinda like the same reason the TSA (DHO) didn't catch the underwear bomber?

but - by golly, now that they have all this new data on US, they'll darn sure catch the next one!

Quote: If My Top Secret Compartmentalized Military clearance isn't good enough, then they can pack sand........
Be sure to let us know how that works out for you...
So what's up with that?
This is unbelievable! I keep waiting for Col. Flag to pop up somewhere! I guess we will have to expand the joke about military inteligence being a oximoron to include their civilian counterparts as well
I thought I remembered ALL pilots getting FBI background investigations (post 911 requirement)? Isn't there some way to reference that database?

Can we submit a pay log for the extra time spent doing paperwork on a day off?
So lets all stop them illegals from working here but don't bother me with the details or interrupt my daily routine. Process seems simple enough. Verify everyone on payroll is legal to work in the US. The form has all of 4 steps and takes about 2 minutes to complete and a passport is all that's needed.
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