pinnacle call out time on reserve?

anyone know how long you have to get to the airport if called to fly while on reserve for pinnacle. trying to see if i could commute on reserve from atlanta to memphis.

Probably not. Typical callout at an airline is two hours, but PCL might have as little as 1.5 hrs.

Even if the callout was 3 hrs, there's no feasible way to make the commute from ATL without a crashpad to sit in MEM while on call.
i concur, that is not are going to need a crashpad while you are on reserve.....did you get hired by them?
yep oct 16th class
You probably will quit before that...
there is a dark cloud over your head. try to break out of the deprestion
To answer the original questions. The RSV rules at 9E are as follows: For the time Crew Sched originally calls you during you reserve period you have 15 min. to call them back. For example if they call you at 1100 you have to call them back by 1115. Once you have called them back and been notified you have exactly 1.5 hours to get to your departure gate. So if you called them back at 1110 you would need to be at the departure gate by 1240. Bottom line get a crash pad and plan on being there during your reserve days.
where are you based space monkey