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Quote: Latest scuttlebutt from the OSC is: March classes canceled and hiring to be either suspended or slowed UFN. Possibly due instructor exhaustion, Sim avaibility and needing pilot-instructors back on line.
Sorry. It's never due to instructor exhaustion, sim availability or needing instructors on line. If they needed instructors on line they would just hire more. Not a good sign if this is true.
Quote: Sorry. It's never due to instructor exhaustion, sim availability or needing instructors on line. If they needed instructors on line they would just hire more. Not a good sign if this is true.
Didn't they do this last summer or the summer before because of the increased schedules?
Quote: Sorry. It's never due to instructor exhaustion, sim availability or needing instructors on line. If they needed instructors on line they would just hire more. Not a good sign if this is true.
Heard the same in reference to lack of instructors. They have hired instructors, over 30 however they are still being trained themselves and currently being checked by other instructors doubling up. My last few sessions have been a part of that. Pretty much round the clock training in my class from 5 am with classmates going in as late as 10pm to 4 am.
From what I have seen the training dept. is overwhelmed at this point and I think they just need to reboot and catch up. Overall attitude is very positive here still. Nonetheless, being this my 4th airline I know anything is possible.
no mention of anything like that at the interviews yesterday? what they told us is they are looking to hire 40-60 more people and that will put them right around the 200 mark. They mentioned that this is for the summer schedule and hiring would most likely resume after summer around the october-nov time frame like it did last year.
How serious is this rumour that classes are cancelled for March?
Does this apply to the March 2nd class? This is not good news or a good rumour...
I have a confirmed class date for the 2nd...and heard nix yet...
It's just a rumor. One guy posts something on Blue Pilots and the next thing you know it's all over here and that other board too. Relax. So far it's just message board FOD. If there's any truth to it at all IMO it has more to do with school house staffing than it does any ticking time bomb. We are way understaffed. Min line awards are in the mid 80's and reserve coverage is below minimums. Hiring will continue.
Thanks for the info.
Has Jetblue ever cancelled a class just prior to it commencing(Days before or on the start date)?
Quote: heard the same in reference to lack of instructors. They have hired instructors, over 30 however they are still being trained themselves and currently being checked by other instructors doubling up. My last few sessions have been a part of that. Pretty much round the clock training in my class from 5 am with classmates going in as late as 10pm to 4 am.
From what i have seen the training dept. Is overwhelmed at this point and i think they just need to reboot and catch up. Overall attitude is very positive here still. Nonetheless, being this my 4th airline i know anything is possible.
The new hires under training at the moment in Orlando will be closer to the truth. Is there any substance to the rumor?
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