EMB-145 SIC to PIC......

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Got a quick question. I have been offered a position on an EMB-145 as PIC based on if I can get my existing EMB-145 SIC type 'converted' to a full on EMB-145 PIC type. I have no idea where and how much it'd approximately cost to get that done. The reason I post this in the regional forum is that I'm sure someone out there from one of the regionals may have done this in the past. Just wanted to get a ball park figure as to where, how much and what it entailed. If it helps, I last flew the EMB-145 about 2 years ago.

Would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks.
Quote: Got a quick question. I have been offered a position on an EMB-145 as PIC based on if I can get my existing EMB-145 SIC type 'converted' to a full on EMB-145 PIC type. I have no idea where and how much it'd approximately cost to get that done. The reason I post this in the regional forum is that I'm sure someone out there from one of the regionals may have done this in the past. Just wanted to get a ball park figure as to where, how much and what it entailed. If it helps, I last flew the EMB-145 about 2 years ago.

Would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks.
St. Louis | FlightSafety International Inc.

Houston | FlightSafety International Inc.

All have EMB 145 sims
Blimey - just tried Flightsafety in Houston. $16,300 to go from SIC to PIC. I didn't realize it'd be so much. Was thinking a few grand at tops. Oh well.
If they can afford to operate an EMB-145 they can afford to pay for your training.
Quote: I didn't realize it'd be so much. Was thinking a few grand at tops. Oh well.
Annual recurrent training in a Baron cost more than a few grand at a sim center.

Because an SIC type is worthless you are essentially buying a full type from scratch which is why it is so expensive. At best because you would have experience in the plane sometimes they can offer you a "short course" which has less ground and a few less sims which usually saves money. If it were a CE-500 or B737 a few grand (5 ish) is very possible but with the emb series I would be amazed if one was found for less than 14K.
Quote: If they can afford to operate an EMB-145 they can afford to pay for your training.

If somebody is offering you a Captain job on a large-cabin bizjet on the condition you get your own type rating, I'd be REALLY concerned about it paying appropriate to the aircraft and doubly so if its a 135 gig where they'd have to train you anyway.

That said...

If you were current in the airplane you could probably swing a short course, but since you're not...the training centers will have you by the financial short hairs. That said, you should be able to negotiate something lower than what FSI quoted - tell them you need a contract pilot rate.

CAE in PHX would be another option for you to explore.
Quote: If they can afford to operate an EMB-145 they can afford to pay for your training.
can southwest not afford to pay for a 737 type? some companies just do things differently. dont like it, then keep moving
Quote: Got a quick question. I have been offered a position on an EMB-145 as PIC based on if I can get my existing EMB-145 SIC type 'converted' to a full on EMB-145 PIC type. I have no idea where and how much it'd approximately cost to get that done. The reason I post this in the regional forum is that I'm sure someone out there from one of the regionals may have done this in the past. Just wanted to get a ball park figure as to where, how much and what it entailed. If it helps, I last flew the EMB-145 about 2 years ago.

Would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks.
I'm in the same position as you for a dream job overseas. Would FS give us a discount if we attended school together? I was also wondering if I could get a check airmen from that country (Brazil) to participate in the checkride? That way I could also get my brazilian ATP, as the only thing I'm missing for the full FAA to ANAC conversion is a checkride.
Quote: Would FS give us a discount if we attended school together?
Likely yes...but definitely try CAE in Phoenix, they typically have more aggressive pricing than FSI.
Quote: Likely yes...but definitely try CAE in Phoenix, they typically have more aggressive pricing than FSI.
Boiler, I was thinking CAE Phoenix (being an old Mesa boy - for all my sins). But CAE have a really messed up way of who to talk to and where to talk to them. I've spoken to 3 different CAE folks and neither has told me exactly what to do and how to go about it - and beside, I've been given 3 totally different prices.

At FSI Houston, it took me a phone call or two to get to the right person, but that guy has homed in on what it is exactly I need and what the price is.

P56 - if you're very serious about doing this and are willing to go ahead with this then do PM me. We might be able to bargain a discount.
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