Indian First Class Medicals for Expats

Please refrain from bashing or flaming as only objective thoughts on this subject are appreciated.

Currently, the majority of expats attending the newly established required medical examination in Bangalore have not passed. Unless there is immediate relief or reform or oversight the future may be grim.

Under the current program, pre-medicals are administered at certified local clinics throughout India by certified technicians with detailed reports prepared by certified technicians and a full debriefed by certified physicians. This detailed report is hand delivered by the pilot to their base physician for further review and approval prior to attending the physical examination. The detailed reports are hand delivered to the Air Force Facility by the pilot undergoing the medical evaluation by the Air Force Medical Examiner.

To date, the majority of these reports are being discounted or disregarded as being unprofessional and unacceptable, or not formatted correctly resulting in further retesting by the pilot at the local hospital in Bangalore… thus causing additional angst which is deplorable.

What is the purpose of the pre-medical examination if these results are dispelled or cast aside by the Air Force Medical Facility? There is nothing more demeaning, disrespectful , humiliating, or inhumane for a Senior Aircraft Commander to sit before a medical professional, who is an Officer and a Gentlemen in the Military Service of the Indian Government, treating us as liars despots, or criminals and refusing to accept certified reports from certified Indian physicians who administered these medical pre-tests, at certified Indian clinics.

Most of the airlines in India have large aircraft orders with deliveries scheduled for the near future. With that being said additional staffing will be required. Further if the airlines in India want to at least maintain their current levels let alone increase their staffing need to consider with immediate effect each airline must:

1. Establish oversight by their respective Medical Departments;

2. Reschedule the medical appointments with the Indian Air Force;

3. Engage the services of a former Air Force Medical Examiner who was directly involved with and has first-hand knowledge in the administering the Indian First Class Medical Exam. A list of requirements along with acceptable parameters must be provided to each pilot before submitting for a pre-medical examination under the supervision of the engaged former Air Force Medical Examiner;

4. Engage the services of only one clinic to administer all pre-medical examinations under the supervision of the engaged former Air Force Medical Examiner;

5. The nominated former Air Force Medical Examiner who was directly involved with administering medical exams for the Air Force needs to be part debrief process of the tests administered.

What's going to be next? Personally, I'm tired of jumping though any more hoops. As for myself, my intentions are to:

1. Maintain my Country’s First Class Medical Certificate as required by my country and contract of employment;

2. Submit same to my company as required per my employment contract;

3. Not set myself up for potential failure nor be subjected to the abuse by the Air Force Medical Examiners in Bangalore or Delhi;

4. At this time, not to submit to a medical examination until such time that my company establishes a plan as outlined above;

5. If there is no resolve, I'll be off to my next adventure in aviation when the deadline for completion of the Indian First Class Medical comes to pass.

Any carriers have a plan for salary continuation, and or medical benefits to resolve any deficiencies in place to assist crewmembers if the medical is not successful?

Again, please refrain from bashing or flaming as only objective thoughts on this subject are appreciated.

Good luck to all.
Some small American souvenirs, might be tactfully given as gifts.

Side note: Some of the coolest motorcycles come from India. You do much riding?