FAA 121 Database Aircraft Mods Scope Limits

Does anyone know of a database that the FAA has that allows you to look up 121 aircraft that would depict any modifications that have been applied to them? Inquiring minds and all.....
Yes, you can order the complete aircraft file from the FAA, which includes all the registration and maintenance information. This will include Certification documentation as well as any major modifications, repairs, or supplemental type certificates.

I think I know where you are going. You are wondering if Republic's jets are Certified in excess of the weight limits of Delta's PWA scope section 1B40e. The answer is yes, and no.

The FAA allows operators and manufacturers to operate under "Marketing" Certificates which are more conservative (less than) the actual Certified limits of the jet. These can pretty much just be faxed in to the FAA by the manufacturer at the request of the operator / customer. Regional airlines do this to easily run around the very poor scope language Delta (and others) have written into their contracts.

The operator can change back to the real Certified limits with just a log entry (which is not captured by the FAA's database). This could happen every leg, if the operator was so inclined.

Delta actually operates your MD88 under one of these "marketing" Certificates, which is why your over weight landing is no where near the big deal that an overweight landing is on a 737.

I ordered the records on the Republic fleet and reviewed thousands of pages looking for a clear cut violation. It was not there. Better documentation could be found by photographing placards on the flight deck, since these show the currently Certified limits (and should be changed with the logbook entry).

Spoke with the E170 Program Manager about how to capture this information. He laughed at our union for writing such stupid scope language. My efforts ended in a dead end without the ability to actually review the aircraft's logbooks. I asked ALPA to request this information from management. ALPA felt we do not have the right to monitor compliance by digging through a third party's records. (ALPA is probably right).

Hence the reason I support "inclusive" scope language. Our current scope defines what we do not fly and is (as the above example illustrates) unenforceable as written.
Quote: I ordered the records on the Republic fleet and reviewed thousands of pages looking for a clear cut violation. It was not there.
Thanks for the effort, Bar.

If regional guys like me ever manage to make a real career out of this mess, it will be due in part to the hard work and tenacity of guys such as yourself.
I guess it's time to get my button camera some new batteries....
Does this site help?