Delta responds to anti-Semitic charge

Criticism of Delta unfair, some travel industry experts say -

Overhead Bin - Delta responds to uproar concerning Jewish fliers

It's more than a little disheartning to think that this actually has to be responded TO.....The vitriol that is displyed here by people who are getting thier news from world net daily is amazing.
It's just unfortunate that airline bashing is such a popular topic for the media, facts not needed to make a point. The public now approaches their flight thinking, "How am I going to get screwed this trip?", and the goal is to end up with the most sensationally horrible travel experience to tell your friends/neighbors.

Seeing people blow their minds over parts of the industry that they have no understanding of, and are outside the control of the air carrier is bewildering. Seriously, you think Delta makes up the passport entry rules for sovereign nations? Does this not fail even the most cursory BS test in your mind?

Too bad that DL probably can't sue the Huffington Post and this rabbi for defamation.

We work too hard as professionals to give the passenger the good experience they deserve to have our jobs and employers constantly put under siege.
No doubt the Huff Post is biased in what they report.
Quote: No doubt the Huff Post is biased in what they report.
Yeah, but it's not just them and this isn't a left/right thing. As evidence, world net daily a FAR right site is leading the charge with this with several "articles" written with the worst kind of venom you can concot. I'm just entirely disapointed that adults that I would expect to be reasonable are responding to this in the manner that they are, condeming Delta and missing the point entirely. I suppose I really need to stop being the optomist and just lower my societal expectations.
Quote: condeming Delta and missing the point entirely. I suppose I really need to stop being the optomist and just lower my societal expectations.
You're right. It's not the airline that doesn't allow certain people into Saudi Arabia.
I suppose I really need to stop being the optomist and just lower my societal expectations.
I've found that it helps me sleep better.