Stephen Pearson-United Airlines

I lost a great friend on Nov 15, 2011. Steve flew for many airlines but finally made it to United before his career was cut short by illness. He will be missed by his family and friends.

Stephen Pearson - The Cherokee Scout - Cherokee County, N.C.'s local newspaper - Obituaries

Here's a incomplete list of the carriers Steve flew with:

United Airlines
Centurian Air Cargo
Arrow Air
Gemini Air Cargo
Tower Air
Branson Airlines
Gulfstream Airlines
Northeast Express Regional Airlines
Bar Harbor/Eastern Express

Steve was also a flight attendant at:

Eastern Airlines
National Airlines
Wow. That's quite a resume. It appears that your friend experienced quite a bit in his life, and not just with aviation. I hope everyone can look back on the happy times.

Tailwinds Mr. Pearson.................
Thought I recognized his name. I was at NERA with him. RIP.