PRIA and back-ground check questions?

Hi, I want to get my FAA records just to make sure there are no surprises if I get hired at a FAR 121 Carrier in the future. I don't have anything on my record that I am aware of but was told told by fellow co-workers that it's a good thing to do. So far I have found out this much:

1) I should request PRIA from my current company, I was told that since I have worked at my employer for more than 5 years, that any new airline would only do PRIA for the last 5 years, is that true or should I request PRIA for more than 5 years? (will the carriers even have info on me that is more than 5 years old) I don't want to pay $ to old carriers to get my records for more than 5 years if it's not required.

2) I should request my driving records for the last 10 years.

3) I should request my "Complete Airman File" from the FAA using the "Privacy Act" (This is what the airlines will do to see my Certification, Medical, and Accident/Incident records (I believe all those records are kept forever).

Is there anything else a potential FAR 121 Airline might request?

What the deuce is a back-round check? ;)
You know... when the doctor makes you grab your ankles and checks your "back- round". Airlines do the same thing. They want to make sure everything will fit once you are hired...
You're confused about what PRIA is, and how you might use or benefit from it.

You don't request your employer to provide PRIA records to you. When you're hired, you may elect to have copies provided to you of PRIA paperwork returned by former employers.

If you've been with your employer for the past five years, then all you need to do is have your training record from your current employer, and that's not a "PRIAj" request. If you're smart, you'll always maintain your own file with copies of your records, with every development that takes place during your time with any employer. You should always have a current set of your own records. Everyone should.

You should have records from all former employers.

Ever been fired or forced to resign? What will your former employers say about you? Keep all your documentation, whether it was a year ago or twenty.

You can obtain a criminal history either through your state bureau of criminal investigation, or by going through your local city, county, or parish law enforcement agency. There is usually a nominal fee. You'll want a criminal history background check ("triple I") and a wants check. If you've never been arrested, then it's really superfluous.

Many employers do credit checks; you should know your credit and should have a knowledge of what's in all three of your reports.

PRIA covers a five year period. Many employers do a 7 year or 10 year history. PRIA also only covers previous 121, 125 or 135 operators; other operators such as Part 91, 137, etc, aren't obligated to respond to PRIA requests, or to maintain the records applicable to that program.