
Is anyone else having trouble with Deltanet (especially ICREW) kicking them out after about 5 minutes. I can do maybe one task like look at open time, then if I try to go to PCS it'll log me out. This happens for anything, though, not just PCS. Then I have to totally log out of Deltanet and back into ICREW. It takes about 30 minutes book a jumpseat. I've been just using the phone these days.
I'm able to bounce between the 2 without any issues this morning. But I have experienced what you mentioned in the past. Maybe clearing your cookies will help?
I'll try it out..been having trouble on the iphone too. it's a real pain to do anything.
I was just on iCrew a few minutes ago, for about 20 minutes, waiting to book a jumpseat to work, no problems at all.

Must be something you said...

haha wouldnt surprise me!