Increase in ATC Errors

I imagine sequestration won't help this trend.

Air traffic controllers making more mistakes, IG finds | Federal Times |
I would imagine this is related to the large number of 'Reagan' era controllers who have retired recently, who have been replaced by controllers who are still wet behind the ears.

Stay safe out there!
It is mostly due to ATSAP, the self reporting program that went into effect between 2009 and 2010 across the country. The report says that there is an actual increase in errors, not just the reporting, but I don't think that's accurate. There is better technology now at smaller FAA facilities for detecting losses of separation than there was in 2008. With that said, there is a lot less experience in the FAA then there was 5 years ago, and is definitely going to get worse.
I hear sequestration is closing 75% of our NFCTs (Contract control towers)m seven just here in Kansas. Thus, I'm sure sequestration WILL reduce errors, but may also increase accidents and incidents. Pay close attention to the CTAF!!
Quote: It is mostly due to ATSAP, the self reporting program that went into effect between 2009 and 2010 across the country. The report says that there is an actual increase in errors, not just the reporting, but I don't think that's accurate. There is better technology now at smaller FAA facilities for detecting losses of separation than there was in 2008. With that said, there is a lot less experience in the FAA then there was 5 years ago, and is definitely going to get worse.
Its a combination of both things. We have more events being reported since the implementation of ATSAP, but we're also losing experienced controllers at a very high rate.

You're still at C90?
Still at C90....I am predicting 1 new certification per 2-3 retirements over the next few years based on the people we have now. Starting 4/21 we'll be down around 11 people per day.
jmcmanna, do you predict that break times will go down quite a bit to make up for the lack of personnel, or will they just up the Overtime hours?
Quote: Still at C90....I am predicting 1 new certification per 2-3 retirements over the next few years based on the people we have now. Starting 4/21 we'll be down around 11 people per day.
That sounds about right for N90 as well. We're losing 13 in my sector (EWR) over the next 18 months, 4 are transfers, the rest mandatory age 56 retirements.

Say hi to Shawn and Gary from the EWR sector gang.
Quote: jmcmanna, do you predict that break times will go down quite a bit to make up for the lack of personnel, or will they just up the Overtime hours?
not sure about C90, but here at N90 we'll probably just combine positions and maybe hold more. We're already working max amount of overtime.
No overtime allowed except to cover sick leave. We already run up to 2 hours on position frequently, so there isn't much more productivity they can get, especially since we use 7-10 overtimes per day before factoring in sick leave. There will be more delays because no one is willing to work more airplanes than they can handle. There comes a point where its physically impossible to talk to each airplane in time to get everything done, even if you have the ability to keep track of them all.