Help with interview

Hello All,

A few weeks ago I was blindly emailing my résumé to potential employers. I was contacted by a small airlines HR department asking if I would like to interview with them. They said they were hiring 3 pilots. I replied I would interview in 2 weeks and then the date was set. The day of my interview I took a standard 50 question test then had the chief pilot ask about 20 questions. He said it went well and the next step would be a psych test that would be emailed to me. I took the psych test which I have done the same one before. HR called me and told me they had good news. They liked my interview and wanted to hire me. Unfortunately they are not scheduling a training class and asked if I would like to be in their hiring pool.

Are they just being polite by saying that or are they really not interested? I don't like being on the hook like this. And I don't want to hold out for them if they aren't going to hire me.

I could really use some insight and some suggestions.

Travel Well
What's the harm in just staying in their hiring pool? If you find something better, politely tell them that due to them not actually hiring you, you had to take an actual hiring offer.
They definitely want to hire you. Airlines have no problem telling you, "No thanks". They may have a backlog in training for some reason, maybe a delayed airplane order, maybe 100 things. That said, they want to hire you. Be patient, but of something better comes along, take it.
Help with interview
What small airline is only hiring three pilots and then changes their mind? Is this place worth waiting for in your opinion or did you just interview for the heck of it with no intention of taking the job in the first place?
Thank you everyone. All of your responses are very helpful. All I can do is wait this one out but in the meantime I'll keep looking for other opportunities.