Spirit new hire info

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How much is Spirit training pay, and do you get perdiem? Also, when does the insurance coverage start?

Also, can you pick up from open time while on reserve on your days off?
Training pay $1000
Per diem $750
90 days
I don't know, I don't believe so.
Yep $1000/mo plus $750/mo per diem until you pass OE.
Insurance after 90 days. And you can call scheduling to try to pick up a trip but you can't just grab something off flica in open time. And calling to pick up has had limited success for me. Basically count on 72 hours/mo with maybe a couple exceptions until you are off reserve. I grossed $20k in 10 months last year. Training pay lasted just over 2 months. Hope you have a savings stash somewhere.
Contractually while on reserve, you can't pick up anything from crew scheduling until inside 48 hours. Once inside 48 hours, 99% chance they won't give it to you. As soon as they give you a trip, you're not contactable until that trip.

Open time is for line/relief holders. This is a good thing!
No classes in May
No classes in May
Training backed up?
Quote: Training backed up?
They said it's due to being pretty fat on pilots considering the delivery schedule of airplanes and hiring aggressively the past few months. I did hear a rumor of increased hiring though once they get the new FTD in place.
Quote: They said it's due to being pretty fat on pilots considering the delivery schedule of airplanes and hiring aggressively the past few months. I did hear a rumor of increased hiring though once they get the new FTD in place.
Sounds like Miramar is setting us up for massive 200% flying in the 4th quarter. No doubt they'll fall behind on hiring if they stop. They never learn...
Quote: They said it's due to being pretty fat on pilots considering the delivery schedule of airplanes and hiring aggressively the past few months. I did hear a rumor of increased hiring though once they get the new FTD in place.
The new FTD is in place the FAA just has to fly it and approve it. It looks pretty nice...it even has visuals!
Quote: The new FTD is in place the FAA just has to fly it and approve it. It looks pretty nice...it even has visuals!
Yes it does, its sweet!!
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