Charter Michigan

Hi my name is Joe and I'm working on starting a part 135 charter operation here in Rochester, Michigan. The charter I would like to run will work a little differently than normal charters and I think it can help pilots cut the cost of their plane expense. I wont go into details now but I would be more than happy to discuss them later when I figure out if this can in fact work. I'm doing some customer validation to make sure this is viable. If you could take a minute of your time to answer the questions that apply to you I would greatly appreciate it. The link is provided below. Thank you for your time!

Kindest Regards,

What? testing
Pilots don't typically charter planes.........

This sounds weird, and possibly just a bad idea wherever you are going. You really can't change much on how a charter works, the FAA is pretty much set on how folks can do business.
Sounds like he wants to lease aircraft from owners to put on his non-existent Part 135 certificate. Joe - that ain't new.