Reserve rules research(Legacy, National, LLC)

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Quote: To add to the JB.

RAP at JB is 10h. It's assigned the day before by noon (most of the time) and i believe now the reserves get to bid on it. Also we have last day release, if you are not needed on your last day they will show that on your schedule at noon the day before. If you are on your last day of reserve and they have not called you by 1700 you are automatically released (no call required). When I was on reserve a year ago i would always call them 2-3 hours into my last 10 hour stretch and asked to be released and 9/10 I was, the other times wait a few hours and call again. I never went past noon on my last day unless I was flying. Sept, Oct, Nov 2013 i averaged 21 days at home (Off, Pre-Release, Last Day Release, & Long Call) A320 JFK
Similar "Early Release" system at Spirit. "A reserve pilot will automatically be released six hours prior to the end of his bid RAP on the last reserve day in a block of reserve days."
Quote: Similar "Early Release" system at Spirit. "A reserve pilot will automatically be released six hours prior to the end of his bid RAP on the last reserve day in a block of reserve days."
Any provision like this at Frontier?
Quote: Any provision like this at Frontier?
Not unless you're long or medium call. Don't expect to get released early as a short call. If you're an AM reserve you can usually count on getting out an hour or two early but as a PM they often won't let you go early, even if it's to commute on the last flight operating out of base that evening.
Quote: Anyone care to post how it works at Delta? I know its probably been covered in one of the 180,000 posts on the latest and greatest but it would be nice to have it here and be able to compare/contrast.
Delta reserve is pretty good, and similar to the previous JB description. We have many pilots who could be fairly senior lineholders who bid reserve because they like the reserve system. 12-15 days off per month, depending on how busy your category is. There is no officially defined short call report time, although ~2 hrs is the generally accepted practice. Most widebody reserves do very minimal flying, while narrowbody reserve flying is seasonal. Probably the biggest perk for our reserves is that if you fly on "off-days" for premium pay, you then get those off-days back. Guys in busy categories with decent seniority can use this to get paid 160 hrs for 80 hrs of work during the busy summertime.
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