Jobs in Raliegh-Durham area?

Anyone know of any companies in that area hiring with around 900TT, 650 Multi?
Currently fly for a weather modification company, but looking to relocate later in the year. I'm not a CFI (not opposed to getting it, just hate to fork out the cash at this point).
Quote: Anyone know of any companies in that area hiring with around 900TT, 650 Multi?
Currently fly for a weather modification company, but looking to relocate later in the year. I'm not a CFI (not opposed to getting it, just hate to fork out the cash at this point).

With that kind of time I would just continue doing what you are doing. Or look for a job in the Caribbean for that magical 1500hrs.
Quote: Anyone know of any companies in that area hiring with around 900TT, 650 Multi?
Currently fly for a weather modification company, but looking to relocate later in the year. I'm not a CFI (not opposed to getting it, just hate to fork out the cash at this point).
When you meet 135 mins ImagineAir is hiring guys for RDU.
Hey I'd take any job. Have 500 TT live down around myrtle beach and I cant find anything except Banner towing and this one corporate gig that I fly like once every two months
TSH/GoJet has a RDU base if you can get to the magical number for them...