Personal Trainer in MSP

Hello all pilots living in the MSP area.

If anyone is looking for a personal trainer I have a person I highly recommend. My wife and I have been seeing a trainer who has made a hudge difference to us both. My wife had cancer and after her recovery we both decided to get ourselves into shape. His name is Phil Schrupp and he has helped me loose over 40lbs and get me in better shape than I have ever been in my life. My wife has lost over 30lbs and is also in the best shape of her life. He specializes in working people like us who really need to get back into shape and change their lifestyle. The gym he uses is a great facility and is full of people like us who are trying to change their life. (Not a meat market full of kids showing off.)
Phil is extremely professional and has an impressive knowledge of training and dietary regimens. He has a B.S. from the U of M and is extremely well spoken. Please give him a call or email or Facebook him and get an appointment with him and see for yourself.

Phil Schrupp 952-250-1659
Phillip Schrupp Personal Training & Nutrition
[email protected]