New Interim CEO

Looks like another lawyer at the helm, at least temporarily
Given our recent history; lawyer=not good. But on the plus side, if I remember correctly, Herb from WN was a lawyer and he was one of the best airline ceo's in history. We can only hope.
Richard Anderson is a lawyer also.
Smisek is/was a lawyer.
So was Bill Howard. Courted heavily during the early ESOP days. As always, thanks Chase.
Interesting article today in the WSJ about our newest hero. Analyst's take is that they chose another outsider from Jeffy's inner circle on purpose. They seemed to think Jeffy ruled uber alles, and all his minions below him were the same, but no one being groomed to replace him. He was President, CEO, and Chairman. Other companies do the same, others have 2-3 individuals wearing the hats.

They viewed this move to name Hart as interim CEO as a positive.

Not my opinion, as I am just a wheel turner.
Here's the link: United Airlines Names Brett J. Hart Acting CEO - WSJ
Quote: Here's the link: United Airlines Names Brett J. Hart Acting CEO - WSJ
Thanks, I am not smart enough to do that. Or I would have. I am still trying to figure out why "airplane mode" isn't the best mode for my IPAD.
Hart is nothing more than another slimy weasel attorney. Listen to the post-Smisek resignation call with analysts if you want to hear him slither out of all the pertinent questions.

I hope for the best for Munoz and family. I think he might actually get it and with him there might be a chance to turn the corner.....