Quest Diagnostics- ST. Louis- KSUS

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The phenom position in KSUS is still open. Pay is 88k. Type rating still required.
No type rating required now. But single pilot jet experience desirable.
FO program?
Wondering if there been any word on weather there is a program up and running or not yet for the FO? What the pay for the FO? Also is it possible travel or would it be best to move there and live at the base?

I have been looking at the company awhile and wanted to get a few more ideas about the place what the chance to get hired there.

FO program is up and running. Currently 2 hired. 1 each RDG and LZU. 2 more are in the interview process. If you're local to either place, your chances are better.

Pay and details have been posted earlier in the thread.
Captain position in KSUS has been filled, thank you for everyone that applied!
Hey Travis, how is the FO hiring out of Reading going?
Do all bases have phenom 100's? Single-pilot cargo on a jet, Best of both worlds indeed! What are reqs needed for this job?
Thank you
Lzu and gso don't have any phenoms. Minimums are the same for all bases, 2500 hours. But jet time and single pilot time is highly desirable.

The ksus position was filled.
No jet time yet. More on the single-pilot ME-turbine side with b99-b1900's. Hope that doesn't hurt my chances. Do guys get on the Phenom 100's right away? Or, do they have to start with pc-12's and move from there? Phenom 100 is the dream plane.
Thank you
You guys phasing out going to keep the Phenoms for awhile?
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