Finishing Degree Online

Looking at finishing up a degree online. Wondering which school are "best" in that respect for someone who can transfer in about 60 credit hours and hoping to obtain credit hours for my various ratings (have hears some school do this). But which is the best?
No complaints with Thomas Edison State College, affordable and all my credits transferred.
Utah Valley University. B.S in Aviation. Affordable. Have a friend who did it this way and is now at FedEx.
I agree, UVU. I took one class with them online in 2012, fairly inexpensive and were a pleasure to deal with.
I also went through UVU. Cost was reasonable and I was able to get classes done around my work schedule.
My brother is getting his degree from Thomas Edison State College. It is really affordable & worth of spending time & money with them.
I also recommend Thomas Edison State college. If you wish to save time, look up CLEP and Dantes exams.