Bastian 2007 Compensation

In 2007, the year after terminating our pensions and reducing our pay by over 40%, this was Mr. Bastian's total annual compensation.... (source: )

Salary: $421,667
Restricted Stock Awards: $6,942,680
Option Awards: $2,142,210
Non-equity Incentive Plan Compensation: $733,522
Other Compensation: $61,821

Total Annual Compensation for 2007 - $10,301,930

American labor has had enough of this type of leadership.

Where is the fairness? Where is the common sense?

How can we follow a CEO who makes tens of millions off of our billions in concessions?

How can we follow a CEO who makes tens of millions while our bankruptcy concessions remain in place?

It long past time to take care of the people who brought him to the party.

There is no excuse for the lack of progress.
Don't worry - I'm sure he's got a couple of little raises since then
considering the ease with which he extracted billions from us.....he probably was underpaid.

but it was good we didn't poison the well with management....after all it has paid huge dividends for us in good will and economic recovery, post bankruptcy.

wait? what???.....