Mexico City duty free

Yesterday attempted to buy some mung from the duty free side
Of the departure area, in uniform, and two different shops said
They were not allowed to sell duty free to uniformed airline staff!

One shop said something about how some airline person was buying too much stuff!

Don't know if this is airline specific, or universal ban on uniformed crew members.

Amazing, as I have never in 28 years ever had a Duty Free shop anywhere in the world not take my money no matte what I was wearing at the time!!! (TMI?&#128563
Correction something...(mung is so yesterday)..,
more info
The shop manager said this was a recent development, within the last few weeks
Yes, I have very little experience in this but depending on the Mexico overnight I've seen a few of our crew members get turned down.
It's always a good idea to write posts about violating written company rules on online forums. Keep up the good work!
I have not been to MEX in 3-4 years. It was the same then . No duty free to crew members. I don't know why.
Quote: It's always a good idea to write posts about violating written company rules on online forums. Keep up the good work!

Is it a violation of company policy to carry limited quantities of cigarettes or perfume onboard ?

My favorite is ode' de kerosene', but that one comes for free with the walkaround
Or buy chocolate in duty free? Scratching my head too Cactus.
Must not fly much to Europe. Those Bass Turds won't sell to you unless you have a ticket. HK was the same. TPE will over ride with an ID.

Dubai is the best.