NetJets schedules

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Ah doing the Japan thing God bless you !!!
Quote: Ah doing the Japan thing God bless you !!!
Arigatou gozaimasu.
Quote: ok here is the breakdown because I am a nice guy.

7on/7off. This is schedule anybody can hold if not in training. Each fleet has certain start days available which are bid on by seniority. Your tour can only be slid for training and you can't be bumped off of your line so you know your schedule for a year out pretty much.

The Crew Choice or "CC" schedules are labeled by how many days each schedule works in a 4 month trimester. The company can slide up to two days in a month as long as in the end you don't exceed the elected amount

All CC schedules are published the 15th of the month before. You can put in for preferences such as certain days off etc but the company is under no obligation to grant those requests.

CC76 is 17-21 days a month

CC72 is 16-20 days a month

CC60 is 13-17 days a month

CC52 is 11-15 days a month

They can build these monthly schedules with anywhere from 3-7 day tours. You can choose to allow 8 day tours for an extra 3 percent of pay. 3-6 day tours have a minimum of 3 days off and 7 day min off is 4 while 8 day min off days is 5.

If you are based in a green base (our top 50 busiest bases) you can bid for maximum 5 day tours under the cc60, cc72, cc76 or maximum 6 day tours under the cc52.

Only 10 percent in each fleet and seat will be awarded the CC52 schedule or the short tour option. This has gone fairly senior which a few exceptions.

So to answer your question there is no 5/9 schedule. Starting out in training you will be on basically the CC72 schedule and they own your soul for flightsafety and IOE etc.

About 60 percent of pilots are on 7/7 cc60
About 30 percent are on the cc72/76
About 10 percent are on the cc52
Invaluable info, thanks!

Quick question:

Is it possible for fairly junior guys to switch between cc60 and cc72/76 very 4 months? I understand cc52 goes very senior but curious about the other two schedules and the availability to switch around if need be (give up days off with cc72/76 for money and viceversa)
Depends on the fleet but generally speaking, those schedules are available to everyone who wants them and yes you can switch every 4 months.
Quote: Invaluable info, thanks!

Quick question:

Is it possible for fairly junior guys to switch between cc60 and cc72/76 very 4 months? I understand cc52 goes very senior but curious about the other two schedules and the availability to switch around if need be (give up days off with cc72/76 for money and viceversa)

Hello Flitestar, I've been on the CC52 with 6 day max tours. I live in a green base which allows for shorter tour lengths. I also bid, and was awarded that same schedule for the Oct-Jan. bid period. I absolutely love having more time at home, worth every penny to me, because my pay is a little lower. It is not a senior schedule at this point. I was hired in 02/2015 and will hopefully be able to continue to hold it. No problem so far. If you get on with NJ, maybe you could get that schedule after finishing training. You never know, you just might get it. Good luck!
Thanks wareagle, much appreciated!

Good to hear about the cc52, but isn't it true that this schedule is only available to pilots from green bases only, I thought I read on another NJ thread that green bases are not available to new hires, am I off?
Quote: Thanks wareagle, much appreciated!

Good to hear about the cc52, but isn't it true that this schedule is only available to pilots from green bases only, I thought I read on another NJ thread that green bases are not available to new hires, am I off?
The cc52 is available at all bases, the difference comes in the "green" bases(read productivity) and all others. At the green bases the short tours(6 day max) on the 52 day are available.
Quote: Thanks wareagle, much appreciated!

Good to hear about the cc52, but isn't it true that this schedule is only available to pilots from green bases only, I thought I read on another NJ thread that green bases are not available to new hires, am I off?
Think of "green bases" as the more productive bases, i.e. The company can get you to an airplane and flying trips quickly. I am not 100% sure but I would be willing to bet that all green bases are on the crew base list that is open to everybody. HBA's are only for crew members hired before 2009, some are green bases most are not.
Don't know if the idea came from it, but back in 2009 we had a voluntary tour reduction and one of the choices was a 5/9 schedule.
Thanks for the information guys.

Just out of curiosity, how many legs do you guys fly on average per day? Is it common to see 5-6 leg days?

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