Should there be a political area here on APC?

View Poll Results: Should there be a Political area here on APC
Yes, Politics should not be censored
No, Go somewhere else
I couldn't care less
Voters: 42. You may not vote on this poll
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This thread seems like a dog chasing its own tail, for God's sake. It ain't never goin' nowhere!!!!!!
Quote: This thread seems like a dog chasing its own tail, for God's sake. It ain't never goin' nowhere!!!!!!
It's a poll, Wild. Give it some time. Jeez!
Mike, what I meant was these Republicans vs. Democrats, right vs. left, conservative vs. liberal, us vs. them "debates" always follow the same pattern. They start off intelligent, degenerate into name-calling, and then end up being closed by the mods. Why waste your time and energy? Unless, of course, you like name-calling and then being "scolded" by the administrators?!
I think a political section here would add a lot of new conflicts and it would be very hard work to keep it appropriate. And furthermore I believe it would not really fit here, as this is a message board where primarily information for airline pilots is/should be given and secondarily information for pilot wannabes. I don't think that heated political discussions would fit that target, so I voted NO for now...
Many threads turn political anyways, if we had the political forum, then we could at least have it in an area where people who didn't want to participate could avoid these issues.
Why not, sure lets hear it! Lets do some politiking.....
Quote: Many threads turn political anyways, if we had the political forum, then we could at least have it in an area where people who didn't want to participate could avoid these issues.
That's what I was thinking. If a thread turned political the mods could direct the "conversation" over to the political section and get the thread back on track.
Can we also add a forum called:

"Scabs, They are just people too"

My answer is forget a politics forum. We have enough problems trying to stay together as a group.
Quote: Political commentary is flooding the MSM and will reach a fever pitch over the next two years. Most of it, on both sides, is the sort of inane blather that keeps the masses amused. Much like the Grammys.
I vote to keep the dunghill of most political thought out of these forums since there are so many other outlets for those who wish to express their pet theory on how to correct the behavior of their fellow man.

All elections are a sort of advanced auction of stolen goods.
H.L. Mencken
I agree with you Jungle/HST, to an extent.

I also agree with Mike, and the other poster who suggested that perhaps a political thread might be a good attempt at keeping politics out of the other threads. Much like the Grammy's (for the record the show was better this year than in recent history) one should have the choice of changing the channel, if you will. If you don't want to talk politics, then you simply do NOT click on the link to that thread. It's called choice - as well as freedom.

I had dinner the other night with a guy who works for Google. We talked a bit about China and how they control what their citizens can and cannot access on the internet. Google agreed to China's censorship, much to the dismay of many of the founding employees of Google. If you want censorship, then perhaps China should be your country of residence. If you don't want to consider tasting either parties koolaid, or hear about it, move to China.

Yes, I know that many (but not as many as you might think) of you pilots are conservative Republicans. I am not - nor am I a commie leftie pinko either. I am actually quite moderate politically. I pay taxes that you don't want to know about - I don't like it either, but death and taxes are two things that one can't avoid.

APC should not be a political forum, but as pointed out here, many threads degenerate into political debates. Maybe dedicating one thread where we can all bite each other's head off, p*ss each other off, or better yet, taste each other's koolaid, might be a good experiment in keeping the other threads on topic.

Just my two cents....I'm going to go eat dinner now...
[QUOTE=mike734;117089] I, for one, would like to hear more from the right wing wackos. They amuse me. QUOTE]

Skygirl, There are numerous channels one can turn to for political discussion. This isn't China, and I noticed Google had no trouble selling out despite any moral revulsion they may have expressed. What would be wonderful as a free exchange of ideas has already been damped by the quote above refering to those with different opinions as "whackos". Does this sound like the free exchange we are talking about? You have already disparaged another forum member in your first post in this thread.
I, and many others here, have put our life on the line to protect our rights to free speech and political diversity. I respect another's political beliefs even though I don't share them.
Politics is but one way the fabric of America evolves. The soap box, the ballot box, and a few times the bullet box has been used.
My respect for this forum would be increased along with the available bandwidth if trite political discussions(and trust me, most of them are trite attacks of character or policy with little real understanding) were not a feature here.
Perhaps you might find happiness on the Democratic Underground, it is replete with "progressive centrists".
I have little use for politics, less for politicians and zero use for people eager to bend others to an image of their liking.
Let's go forward with the idea that acting in an honorable way is an important goal and that every additional regulation and tax piled upon the many others we shoulder is a deterent to that goal.
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