Delta Pulse & D-5

Like others on here my motivation to go above & beyond is GONE. I for one will never ever log on to review my Pulse performance compared to other Delta Pilots. Customer comments and enhancing the experience is as important to me as another useless JDPower award. This ranks right up there with the Pilot Activity Statement. I'll happily move the planes from point A to B without bending sheetmetal. The only metric I care about is the maximum amount of credit I can get with the least amont of block hours.

This D-5 test is yet another slap in the face to try and squeeze more blood out of the turnip and unless ordered to by the CPO I will not be participating thank you. Move the goal line for shared rewards and then expect us to happily work harder. I'll be putting my headset on at D-1 thanks!

Quote: Like others on here my motivation to go above & beyond is GONE. I for one will never ever log on to review my Pulse performance compared to other Delta Pilots. Customer comments and enhancing the experience is as important to me as another useless JDPower award. This ranks right up there with the Pilot Activity Statement. I'll happily move the planes from point A to B without bending sheetmetal. The only metric I care about is the maximum amount of credit I can get with the least amont of block hours.

This D-5 test is yet another slap in the face to try and squeeze more blood out of the turnip and unless ordered to by the CPO I will not be participating thank you. Move the goal line for shared rewards and then expect us to happily work harder. I'll be putting my headset on at D-1 thanks!

I'm so motivated I don't know what you're talking about. But I'm with you.
Pulse means nothing to me.

As for the Pilot Activity Statement, it's the best tool ever! I just invert the percentages to show who is least productive. How else would I know if I'm winning the credit vs block game? Management wants to monitor my productivity but by doing so they have enabled my goal of least productive.

Thanks Delta.

BTW, I'm winning. All y'all are workin' too hard!

Or is it Youins'? I forget because I haven't been through the A-T-L in awhile.