Is It Industry Leading Checklist

On July 7th I said a SWA deal was soon to be had. Their union leader knew how to swing the bat in the best negotiating environment in history.

IMO we will see a TA in September.

It is very disconcerting that the Apple Dumpling Gang is out in force across all social media spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt. This lets us know management is ready for the end game.

Our pilots are highly educated, highly skilled and extremely professional.

No Delta pilot needs to listen to me or Curly to decide for themselves if a TA is "industry leading in pay, benefits and work rules" as our leader Captain Dickson and other management spokesmen have repeated over and over.

We all need to run the checklist.

Is it industry leading?

JV scope

DCI scope



Training pay


Minimum day

Trip rig

Duty rig

Per diem

Hourly rates

I have asked for a list of the industry leaders on all these items from our leadership. A simple checklist.


Retirement FedEx and UPS

Vacation FedEx 6 hours per day

Training pay SWA

Hourly rates UPS

Reserve SWA


Delta generates the most profit per pilot by far and we deserve nothing less than Captain Dickson keeping his promise. Anything less is a simple No.

I can speak only for myself. I have never wanted to vote Yes more in my career. This golden opportunity cannot be squandered.

I hope Mr. Bastian chooses wisely. His compensation is up almost 1000% since Chapter 11 and good for him. Bravo.

Long past time for him to invest in the Delta pilots who brought over $10 Billion to the industry leading record profits we enjoy today.

I have 100% faith in my fellow Delta pilots.

Jerry Fielding
You dont get the contract that you "deserve" get the contract that you "make" them give you.....
Quote: You dont get the contract that you "deserve" get the contract that you "make" them give you.....