FDX - Retirement Survey

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While I am not an advocate of negotiating a change to our retirement outside of Section 6 negotiations, I think everyone should log on to complete the current FEDEX ALPA survey

No excuses --- get 'er done soon!

In Unity,

Not to be technical but I believe almost any negotiations to change the CBA can be considered section 6 negotiations. personally I see nothing wrong with negotiating a section of the contract where we won't have to pay for improvements with productivity "enhancements" or give up money.
Edit found the email with the link.

Anyone else feel the questions were worded in a way to get the answers ALPA is looking for? Maybe i'm reading too much in to it.
Quote: Anyone else feel the questions were worded in a way to get the answers ALPA is looking for? Maybe i'm reading too much in to it.
No, I got the impression they are just trying to figure out how much each of us really know what our retirement benefits are.
Quote: No, I got the impression they are just trying to figure out how much each of us really know what our retirement benefits are.
Same here. The tone of the questions seem to indicate we may have a lot of guys that really do not understand what we currently have. Overall I thought it was a general assessment of our knowledge.
Quote: Anyone else feel the questions were worded in a way to get the answers ALPA is looking for? Maybe i'm reading too much in to it.

"If retirement is going to change anyway, do you think the MEC should approve it so they can help write the new rules...."

Aka the train is leaving the station.....

I quit answering ALPA surveys a long time ago. About nine years ago actually. They're gonna do what they're gonna do.....
Respectfully disagree.

FDX pilots wanted improvements to A plan. Company said "we cannot afford it." MEC voted to not allow discussion that didn't simply increase current plan.

There may, or may not be a way to add more money to pilot pockets. Perhaps some over age xx get more A plan, while others get more B plan, and win/win solutions exist. Or...maybe not.

Point is nobody will ever even know if discussions don't occur. We can cross our arms, stay quiet, and keep what we have for the next 6 years. Or--we can investigate options.

We have a new MEC chairman and new NC. I don't think anyone is interested in giving anything away, especially in this climate (stock popped over 6% yesterday). What I do think is that before any intelligent discussion can take place, the union wants a handle on the financial literacy of some of the membership.

Overall--I think our pilots are probably pretty sharp with their financial planning. However, everyone knows a few guys that are notable exceptions. Any discussion about where we are or potential improvements needs to be built around making folks understand what we already have. I'm fairly tuned in, but I still don't understand all the intricacies of survivor benefits, post retirement medical care, etc. A solid education campaign will likely benefit a lot of our pilots.
I felt like the survey was an odd combination of assessing our knowledge, and asking what we wanted. Was it a two for one survey? Or was it merely an assessment of our knowledge? Made me wonder that if I didn't seem informed enough, that my opinion was going to be disregarded.
It would be nice if we can see the results of the poll, and the answers to the questions. I think I got a 96.
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