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AlettaOcean 07-14-2022 06:38 PM

C93 Special Update: TA Ballot Extension
July 13, 2022

Earlier today, the MEC sent the message below announcing that balloting for the TA has been extended. In case you missed it, please see the video and update from Master Chair Capt. Mike Hamilton. I voted for this ballot extension with the full support of Mark and Shaun. We appreciate the engagement and valuable feedback we received over the past few weeks. The next steps are polling, patience, and process which will allow us to improve this agreement.

If you have any questions, please reach out to one of us below.

In Unity,


AlettaOcean 07-14-2022 06:39 PM

The Recall Process: Three Easy Steps

1) Get a resolution floored and passed and it has to be added to the meeting agenda item. Simply follow this template posted by Jerry L:

All you need to do is send an email to the local council chair that says something like the following:

“I would like to have consideration of recall for Captain Smith placed on the meeting notice for the next local council meeting”

“I would like to have consideration of recall for First Officer Smith placed on the meeting notice for the next local council meeting”.

Copy the VP of Admin, Captain Bill Couette**
Vice President of Administration/Secretary
Air Line Pilots Association, International
Email: Go to and log in, then search “Bill Couette email address” and you’ll find it under committees-organizations (the first search result)

2) If the resolution passes it has to be carried to the next meeting so the rest of the council has a chance to consider and vote to pass or fail the motion to recall.

3) If the motion passes to recall it goes to ALPA national and will be open to vote for the members of the council.

Make sure you organize well ahead of time and get the word out. Plan to stack the meeting to standing room only. Once the reps get wind you are planning a recall they will call out their shills in force to attend the meeting.

Get familiar with the basics of Robert’s Rules of Order.

All I can say is Organize, Organize, Organize, and get the word out, because if the recall fails it will further embolden the reps and their minions.

Last, keep the resolution short and sweet, no need for dozens of Whereas. Have someone ready to Second the resolution. Once its been second the resolution is now open for debate and vote.

Here is a simple template you can use.

Whereas: The LEC reps of Council ____ voted in favor of a substandard TA.
Whereas: The LEC reps of Council_____ failed to take input from the members of Council _____ concerning a CBA.
Therefore Be It Resolved: The members of Council ____ have no faith in the current Council Reps to produce an industry leading contract.

Be it further resolved: The members of Council ____ request a vote to recall its Captain and FO representatives.

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