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PotatoChip 01-21-2019 09:20 AM


tkt96 01-21-2019 10:48 AM

It's all United's fault...the medical emergency...the freezing cold weather...the Canadian customs refusing to let anyone off the plane until the morning...local contract maintenance not being able to fix it...

They should have prevented all of that.

awax 01-21-2019 11:47 AM

All the tweets I saw indicated the crew went above and beyond in terms of taking care of the passengers with the resources that they had.

For their sins, they'll be forced to wear purple.

PotatoChip 01-21-2019 11:52 AM

Just to be clear, I am NOT posting this to blame United, or otherwise say anything disparaging. Was just relaying a news article I read, and thought, “Brrr! That would suck!”

lowcountryflyer 01-21-2019 11:53 AM

I thought Canada was all about open borders... :rolleyes:

MySaabStory 01-21-2019 12:04 PM

They should have built a wall....oh wait, they just flew over it like everyone else.

guppie 01-21-2019 12:17 PM

I remember way back when doing OE on the Triple, salty check airman warned me about medical diverts to small obscure stations in the frozen north. Can you taxi once you land? Can they even get the passenger off? Will you be able to takeoff? If not, are there facilities for ALL your passengers? What is the temp down there? Remember the other 300 pax when considering the needs of the 1 that needs medical attention. The real emergency might start once you've landed....Always stuck with me.

oldmako 01-21-2019 12:24 PM

Anyone head for EU without an APU lately? :D

IHateYou 01-21-2019 12:34 PM

Originally Posted by lowcountryflyer (Post 2747340)
I thought Canada was all about open borders... :rolleyes:

This. Any liberals care to explain?

IHateYou 01-21-2019 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by MySaabStory (Post 2747347)
They should have built a wall....oh wait, they just flew over it like everyone else.

Yeah all illegals from Mexico usually have sufficient funds to fly to America. You know with enough money to buy plane tickets and passports for their entire family as they search for a “better life”. Not one has ever walked across the border. Ever.

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