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detpilot 07-28-2021 11:18 AM

Checking in after a few pages. Has anyone changed anyone's mind yet?

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Grumpyaviator 07-28-2021 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by ERAUAV8TR;[url=tel:3270202
3270202[/url]]^What an Ass! As another United pilot dies of covid!! You should care! Get the Vax!

can any Ual guys verify this?

Hedley 07-28-2021 11:43 AM

Originally Posted by ERAUAV8TR (Post 3270254)
Your job is a direct reflection of the vaccination rate it is not reflection of who smokes and drinks. We don’t lockdown for drinking problems. This is gonna go on for a long time until people start waking up.

I don’t remotely consider this job when I vote or evaluate any national policy. Perhaps we should shift our mandates to something more serious than COVID if it is really about saving lives. There are far more deaths related to obesity, alcohol, and tobacco than COVID could ever dream of. This is going to go on for a long time as long as there is either money to be made, or political mileage to be gained.

Galaxy5 07-28-2021 11:43 AM

Originally Posted by Grumpyaviator (Post 3270264)
can any Ual guys verify this?



Grumpyaviator 07-28-2021 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by Galaxy5 (Post 3270277)



-apc filler-

Aquaticus 07-28-2021 12:48 PM

Originally Posted by Grumpyaviator (Post 3270244)
your fears are unfounded since the scenario you’re projecting is unlikely. the delta variant is up in the air and appears to spread through the vaccinated. but even though it spreads quickly, it’s statistically far less dangerous, which is what faucci and CDC said would happen early on. so your gaslighting in order to manipulate is really pointless.

those who’ve had Covid are better off than those who were vaccinated. these studies are from UM school of medicine and Cleveland Clinic. Johns-Hopkins, Un of Louisville, MIT, Sanford, Washington Un and others have also done studies corroborating these findings. however you’re likely to continue to get your facts from Anderson and Rachel, since this really isn’t about health and safety.

Those are %'s of verified covid patients and not Bubba who had the "China virus" slamming beer cans on his boat. The argument "that I already had covid" is largely expecting us to trust their self diagnoses. It only seems to be coming from the extremist political type trying to make an anti-science argument. How did this hypothetical person verify that they had covid? Did they get the antibody test or are we basing this on a few sniffles? The testing for covid had a lot of false positives early on so how much weight are we throwing behind Bubba and his self diagnosed "China virus" to get the libs? I have flown with one of these "had it" types and he subsequently quarantined the whole crew after he got the real one.

Calling the delta variant far less dangerous when it has an R value optimistically around 5, is still mutating, and huge countries don't yet have widespread vaccine coverage... it discredits your whole post. We have the vaccine, data, and research to disprove most conspiracy claims and yet we arguing semantics with tin foil hatters. The sound bytes from Breitbart, OAN, fox are discredited with a simple two second search. This is going to continue to affect lives, children's education and their social development, and people will continue to get sick when we have the resources to stop this thing. Why are we coddling people that refuse a vaccine on pure hysterics from political extremists? I am absolutely baffled.

Hedley 07-28-2021 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by Aquaticus (Post 3270296)
Those are %'s of verified covid patients and not Bubba who had the "China virus" slamming beer cans on his boat. The argument "that I already had covid" is largely expecting us to trust their self diagnoses. It only seems to be coming from the extremist political type trying to make an anti-science argument. How did this hypothetical person verify that they had covid? Did they get the antibody test or are we basing this on a few sniffles? The testing for covid had a lot of false positives early on so how much weight are we throwing behind Bubba and his self diagnosed "China virus" to get the libs? I have flown with one of these "had it" types and he subsequently quarantined the whole crew after he got the real one.

Calling the delta variant far less dangerous when it has an R value optimistically around 5, is still mutating, and huge countries don't yet have widespread vaccine coverage... it discredits your whole post. We have the vaccine, data, and research to disprove most conspiracy claims and yet we arguing semantics with tin foil hatters. The sound bytes from Breitbart, OAN, fox are discredited with a simple two second search. This is going to continue to affect lives, children's education and their social development, and people will continue to get sick when we have the resources to stop this thing. Why are we coddling people that refuse a vaccine on pure hysterics from political extremists? I am absolutely baffled.

Why not let those who chose not to get vaccinated deal with the consequences of their decision? If they get COVID and don’t have the antibodies from either a previous exposure or the vaccine, then that’s their problem. It’s still a virus with a very low mortality rate, yet we act like it is certain death. It affects our lives because we let it. More mask mandates and restrictions will give the illusion of doing something, but it won’t change much. If the unvaccinated want to roll the dice, I say let them.

Grumpyaviator 07-28-2021 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by Aquaticus;[url=tel:3270296
3270296[/url]]Those are %'s of verified covid patients and not Bubba who had the "China virus" slamming beer cans on his boat. The argument "that I already had covid" is largely expecting us to trust their self diagnoses. It only seems to be coming from the extremist political type trying to make an anti-science argument. How did this hypothetical person verify that they had covid? Did they get the antibody test or are we basing this on a few sniffles? The testing for covid had a lot of false positives early on so how much weight are we throwing behind Bubba and his self diagnosed "China virus" to get the libs? I have flown with one of these "had it" types and he subsequently quarantined the whole crew after he got the real one.

Calling the delta variant far less dangerous when it has an R value optimistically around 5, is still mutating, and huge countries don't yet have widespread vaccine coverage... it discredits your whole post. We have the vaccine, data, and research to disprove most conspiracy claims and yet we arguing semantics with tin foil hatters. The sound bytes from Breitbart, OAN, fox are discredited with a simple two second search. This is going to continue to affect lives, children's education and their social development, and people will continue to get sick when we have the resources to stop this thing. Why are we coddling people that refuse a vaccine on pure hysterics from political extremists? I am absolutely baffled.

I guess you didn’t read the links to the actual studies but rather just commented on my intro with typical gaslighting, name-calling and political assigning. I don’t watch any news, much less what you attributed my POV to, and certainly did not use any news sound bites. But hey, rather than check out the given references and do a little research it’s a lot easier for you to defend your POV by saying opposing arguments are just “sound bites. There is no tin foil in Cleveland Clinic, Johns-Hopkins etc. But there is a lot of hot air in your MSM-based comments.

Almost all in our family had Covid. We tested positive, then negative and now test positive for the antibodies. I’m currently testing positive for antibodies through the Red Cross eight months later. I also know for a fact I’ve been exposed since and have not gotten re-infected.

The data I’ve posted in the past also points out that while there is a rise in the delta variant in vaccinated people, that has not happened in previously infected people. Efficacy from infection is 99.35%, higher than any vax, and historically, previous infections are effective against variants up to 80% different than the original infection. Research my post history for those links.

So instead of doing what you’re accusing me of, read the studies to get your info and lay off the CNN.

Grumpyaviator 07-28-2021 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by Hedley;[url=tel:3270302
3270302]Why not let those who chose not to get vaccinated deal with the consequences of their decision? If they get COVID and don’t have the antibodies from either a previous exposure or the vaccine, then that’s their problem. It’s still a virus with a very low mortality rate, yet we act like it is certain death. It affects our lives because we let it. More mask mandates and restrictions will give the illusion of doing something, but it won’t change much. If the unvaccinated want to roll the dice, I say let them.

The label of “unvaccinated” assumes there’s no protection. Many of the unvaccinated I know, including myself and my family, have tested positive for both the virus and antibodies, and based on the information from our doctors, research from universities and studies of hospitals, we feel there is no added benefit to our health or those around us by getting the vax. There’s no rolling the dice, if you’ve been infected in the past you’re protected.

If I hadn’t been infected at some point I’d reconsider my position, but there’s no need for me to now, other than to appease pro-vaxxers, or to comply so we can get rid of the masks and get back to normal. I have no plans to get an unneeded shot for the purpose of earning back liberties that should’ve never been taken.

flightmedic01 07-28-2021 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by ERAUAV8TR (Post 3270254)
Your job is a direct reflection of the vaccination rate it is not reflection of who smokes and drinks. We don’t lockdown for drinking problems. This is gonna go on for a long time until people start waking up.

If “your job” is the thing driving your healthcare decisions, then you have a lot more problems to worry about. 🤦🏼‍♂️

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