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Starlifter 01-24-2015 02:52 PM

UAL interview gouge
Any pointers on the best UAL interview gouge?

I have researched a number of websites but thought I would post here to see if any recent interviewees had some suggestions.


captain822 01-24-2015 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Starlifter (Post 1810864)
Any pointers on the best UAL interview gouge?

I have researched a number of websites but thought I would post here to see if any recent interviewees had some suggestions.


Just be yourself. Make note of experiences that you've had that you can talk about, and take an interview prep course to help you communicate those stories concisely and clearly. Also, highly recommend a sim prep unless you fly a 737 already. As for the Hogan, be honest and don't over analyze the questions.

rp2pilot 01-24-2015 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by Starlifter (Post 1810864)
Any pointers on the best UAL interview gouge?

I have researched a number of websites but thought I would post here to see if any recent interviewees had some suggestions.


Stare right at the HR Rep and ask, "Ever seen a grown man naked?"

Or, just be yourself; if the fit is right, everyone will be happy. Restated, don't try to be the person you think they're looking for, just be relaxed and professional.

SUX4U 01-25-2015 09:16 AM

I interviewed about 2 weeks ago and got the job offer this past week. I credit the success with using Cage for interview consultation plus FTI for sim prep. Could I have done it without one or the other? Maybe. It wasn't worth the chance. The gouge's out there are a great general idea of what they are doing up in DEN. In no way would I recommend reading gouges and expect you will get those questions. The questions I got were a bit long worded and required a lot of attention to what they were asking. Thanks to the HR prep I was able to be polished up on my attention to what was being said, taking a few seconds to gather my thoughts as well as possibly ask them to confirm exactly what was being asked and then deliver my response in specific detail to the format they want all while being myself and not BSing any bit of it. Hope this helps!

gettinbumped 01-25-2015 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by Starlifter (Post 1810864)
Any pointers on the best UAL interview gouge?

I have researched a number of websites but thought I would post here to see if any recent interviewees had some suggestions.


The interview Captains that I know are GOOD people. Obviously I don't know all of them but it seems like there is a concerted effort to have friendly faces staring at you.

Do NOT ignore the HR rep when you answer "pilot questions". Share eye contact with each of them regardless of what type of question is asked and who asked it.

Most importantly, don't lie, fudge or try to cover up/gloss over anything that you might think they see as a negative. Own your sh%t and you will have their respect. Try to deceive them about it and you have no chance of getting hired.

Good luck, relax, and you'll do great

gettinbumped 01-25-2015 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by SUX4U (Post 1811308)
I interviewed about 2 weeks ago and got the job offer this past week. I credit the success with using Cage for interview consultation plus FTI for sim prep. Could I have done it without one or the other? Maybe. It wasn't worth the chance. The gouge's out there are a great general idea of what they are doing up in DEN. In no way would I recommend reading gouges and expect you will get those questions. The questions I got were a bit long worded and required a lot of attention to what they were asking. Thanks to the HR prep I was able to be polished up on my attention to what was being said, taking a few seconds to gather my thoughts as well as possibly ask them to confirm exactly what was being asked and then deliver my response in specific detail to the format they want all while being myself and not BSing any bit of it. Hope this helps!

Hey congrats and welcome aboard!!!! See you on the line soon.

Starlifter 01-25-2015 03:53 PM

Thank you all for the information.

SUX4U 01-25-2015 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by gettinbumped (Post 1811487)
Hey congrats and welcome aboard!!!! See you on the line soon.

Thank you very much! I am beyond thrilled to join my number 1 choice. Can't wait to start!

DashTrash 01-26-2015 07:41 AM

Originally Posted by SUX4U (Post 1811308)
I interviewed about 2 weeks ago and got the job offer this past week. I credit the success with using Cage for interview consultation plus FTI for sim prep. Could I have done it without one or the other? Maybe. It wasn't worth the chance. The gouge's out there are a great general idea of what they are doing up in DEN. In no way would I recommend reading gouges and expect you will get those questions. The questions I got were a bit long worded and required a lot of attention to what they were asking. Thanks to the HR prep I was able to be polished up on my attention to what was being said, taking a few seconds to gather my thoughts as well as possibly ask them to confirm exactly what was being asked and then deliver my response in specific detail to the format they want all while being myself and not BSing any bit of it. Hope this helps!

DEFINITELY DO THE PREP!!! I also used Cage and I highly recommend trying to get DeeDee! She really helped me with my stories and the use of them. The sim is an absolute must, unless you currently fly a 737-500. IMHO.

Otters 01-26-2015 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by Starlifter (Post 1810864)
Any pointers on the best UAL interview gouge?

I have researched a number of websites but thought I would post here to see if any recent interviewees had some suggestions.


Here is a little more detail you are wishing for.
1. Do a company that does interview prep,such as Kit Darby, Emerald Coast or others. PM if you want another one I used which was outstanding.
2. The interview is about 45-50 minutes at most. I went back and counted up my questions which numbered between 6-8. Yep that's really all theres time for. The questions focus on;
TMAAT-Tell me about a time. This focuses with areas of
--Leadership, (Leadership success and failure using your style)
--Customer service story
--Behavior, dealing with your fellow employees, conflict resolution.

Type of questions I had.
1. TMAAT you had to change your behavior with someone.
2. TMAAT something didn't go as planned(great way to interject customer service story).
3. Some questions about my previous job and reasons for my leaving.
4. Why UAL
5. tell me about yourself.
6. What is a weakness or something you need to improve.
7. Discussed my previous employees organizational structure and reporting procedures. This led to questions about conflict and making changes and how it was received. I brought two items to the interview. I was involved with a re-write of cockpit checklist. The second item was a hardcover copy of how I wrote a users guide(hard card in cockpit) for flying non-precision approaches and the incorporation of HUD/EVS technology. This was a home run. You never know.

Be honest in interview. We are human and all of us make mistakes.

Sim prep. I didn't use one because I had access to a 737 sim.

Am hired and in pool. Best to you

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