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Old 07-08-2011, 02:16 PM
Bucking Bar
Can't abide NAI
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Default Starting to come into focus

Visibility is improving ... one very possible scenario ... hope that I am wrong
  • Scope negotiations are probably holding up the Delta Request for Proposal. It makes more sense to operate the E190, a type already operated off the property there than here.
  • The this to be actionable on the MEC level means a deal is probably already hammered out.
  • Best way to deal with this is going to be a push for membership ratification.
  • The RFP will be used as a distraction ... hey look over here new big airplanes & promises ... while DCI grows.
Jabber might have been making fun but, the unfortunate sign is our MEC is more addicted to scope sales than ever. Like most addicts this will be the "last time" just as Moak's side agreement was the "last time" that cleared up that (without MEMRAT) and as was each and every concessionary allowance.

I may be out on a limb, but I'm thinking the RFP pushed a scope negotiation. As written in the Compass presentation the risk of not taking the E175 was that the TYPE would be outsourced up to its full capacities. If true, the first thing we must do is get this to the membership for a vote.

Hey guys, we can operate these airplanes here. Give us a chance.

Last edited by Bucking Bar; 07-08-2011 at 02:30 PM.
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