Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Carl Spackler , 07-13-2011 07:31 PM
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Carl Spackler
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Quote: I would love to see fact based evidence of this, for all pilots to see.

I know that in 2000-01, UALALPA and DALPA produced the richest contracts in us airline history.

I know that SWAPA has NEVER produced contractual gains that propelled them to "lead the industry", and that APA has done pretty well but never really "led" the pack (well except maybe with the B-scale).

I know that NPA (Airtran), and FPA (FedEx) were independent and decided to JOIN ALPA instead of stay independent because it was a better way to make gains in their careers.

I know that USAPA has produced NOTHING tangible for their pilots in more than two years of "independent operation", and they have a multi-million budget deficit that threatens the existence of the organization.

This is what I know. I do not know of any accomplishments of DPA.
I know that ALPA is guilty of selling out their members at the former TWA. I know they're guilty of the document destruction, failure to represent and the other allegations brought forth by the TWA pilots. I know I'm currently represented by a union that has proven itself to be morally bankrupt, and will now face probable financial bankruptcy without some sort of settlement.

I know that the DPA has hired the Seham law firm to aid in their start up. I know the TWA pilots also used the services of Seham.

I know I'm prouder than ever to be supporting the decertification of ALPA.
