Old 12-18-2005, 09:37 AM
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Default READ** A Child With Cancer Needs Our Help!! **READ

I've been into BWI quite a lot lately with my airline, and everytime I go there, I get more and more ANGRY!

There is a Continental ramp/ops agent there named Claude Walters. His grandson, Gavin Storm-Thomas, has cancer and is not even two years old yet. His father is a ramp agent for Southwest there at BWI.

From what i've been told, Gavin has a great spirit and has been taking his Chemotherapy like a true champ, despite his young age.

I am furious that this has to happen to such a young child. I too have a son about Gavin's age, and I think I speak for all the Mom's and Dad's here when I say that you CANNOT look at this story and NOT think of your own kids.

We need to pool together.......we need to buy this kid a chance to make it through this.

His parents are exhausted and financially devastated. I know that you all hav the heart to give something, ANYTHING that you can.

There is a cup in the ops area in BWI for donations, but according to other rampers there, they get some money, but not enough, not even close.
SOMEONE, Please help this family to help this kid. All the help he can get.

Please visit www.gavinstormthomas.com for his story!


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