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Old 07-27-2011, 06:55 AM
No longer cares
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
It was quick because I check on it quite often. I agree with the desire and need, but I want it done right.

As doe DPA, I can only say that DPA has become whatever you want it to become. That in itself is dangerous.
Of course you check it often. With over 14,000 posts to your credit, that is painfully obvious. The problem I have with such a quick response is that it highlights your intense desire to maintain the status quo regardless of whether or not there might be a better idea out there. I could be all wet in this idea, I dunno, but your lightning fast response is endemic of the same ones that I would expect from the union. Because we have always done something a particular way, that must mean that is the best way for it to be done. That is so much bullsqueeze.

You want it done right. Well duuuuuh, I do too. But what I do know is that with NYC and DTW being over 80% commuters, the base interest structure has a big weakness because the majority of those commuters are not involved so their interests are rarely heard. Franky, I think yours is a weak argument for the status quo, because of the lack of participation at the aforementioned bases. You want more people involved, all you have offered me is more study, and more roadblocks. Just like crewpass.... (couldn't resist that one)

Block representation would do away with homerism. It would be a more accurate representation of pilots from across the entire group. Perhaps a two house government would be appropriate, similar to a house/senate structure. Bases are the senate, and deal with base specific issues, and geographical LECs are the house where more voices get heard. Think outside the box for once.

What we have now is a relative vocal minority at the largest bases tend to get their issues heard directly by their representatives. Point is, I am not going to get on an airplane and fly to NY to attend an LEC meeting for the usual dry meaningless meetings that occur. I have been to some, and it is a waste of my day off. (Standing by for the usual retort to this)
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