Thread: Military Flights over Vet's Funeral

BDGERJMN , 08-04-2011 05:49 PM
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Quote: Sorry, but no an O-3 doesn't rate. There is a strict set of standards of what ranks/awards rate what type of fly over if any. Must be approved by Commander Naval Air Forces. Whoever answered that question doesn't know what they're talking about.

Case in point, a good PAO friend of mine tried to get a short notice funeral flyover for a CMH awardee. E-6, KIA in Afghanistan. Couldn't do it. Flag officer however will get a complete 4-ship missing man, even if they drove a desk for 30 years.

You can try calling COMNAFAIRFOR in San Diego and ask, but I can tell you the answer. Sorry.

Grumble you're mistaken. Case in point, LT Nathan "OJ" White was laid to rest in Arlington National Ceremony with full honors and a missing man formation by former Chippies from VFA-195. The jets were from NAS Oceana. He was shot down over Iraq on the night of April 2nd, 2003. I know because I flew with OJ that morning.