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Old 08-14-2011, 10:13 AM
The Brown Dot +1
scambo1's Avatar
Joined APC: Jun 2009
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Why all the talk about usapa. Does anyone really want to go near that sort of disfunction here? Not with a 10 foot pole.

Personally, if I found myself in the position the east pilots are in, I think I would go to work elsewhere. I dont want to get in the weeds of what they are going thru, let alone entertain it on our property for one second. If anyone wants what they have, they need medication.

USAPA and DPA are not even remotely related in goals. The only thing they have in common is their choice of a lawyer.

Can we please return to detente where usapa is a far off land separated from the wants and goals of the delta pilots by a himalayan mountain range?
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