Thread: Let's Clarify Some Speculation at UAL

dvhighdrive88 , 08-22-2011 07:03 AM
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So here are some of the crew room and jumpseat arguements I've heard lately about Age 65'rs, recalls and pre 12-12-12 loss from the seniority list at UAL.

-There are hundreds of guys at the very top who have hundreds of hours of sick time built up and won't leave those hours on the table and will sick out the last few months till 12-12-12.

Ok, so I wonder about this one. Is the speculation true there are so many and they will do just that or is there a caveat here many are missing about sick time and are many just blowing up the numbers?

-CAL is going to have a need for 400 guys on the next system bid in January.

This one seems to be persistent around Houston these days. Not sure why and how a huge number could suddenly pop up, but I plead ignorance on the matter and wonder if somebody can address this one with better intel.

-There are a big number of guys ready to punch out, but are waiting to see if anything comes out of a contract which many speculate should be in hand by spring next year.

That makes sense, but what really are the chances of a contract in hand by spring and it seems unrealistic UAL is going to offer any fat retro or equity carrots in the contract unless they are forced somehow.

-The recall ratio will be as high as American, 9-10 to 1 mainly due guys staying military and two time furloughees concerned about quitting what they have in a shaky economy. Many will wait for the list to start moving in 2013.

Again, this makes sense. I definitely don't see many of 209 voluntaries coming back as they probably took it for good reasons. How many mil guys do we have on average at UAL? 40-45%? The CAL "job offer" stated these guys have to be free of committment to accept the offer. Not sure that is going to work and even if it's legal.

Not a expert by any means, but guessing the bypass will be more aorund 4-5 to 1 in the end. Should have some data in early Sept as Ted and Todd figure out the response. Should be interesting.

I'm no bright bulb thats for sure, but thats just some consistent chatter lately. Comments? Corrections?