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Old 08-30-2011, 10:15 AM
Check Essential
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
I agree with everything you state, and you know I do, but I think the pilots want to take it one step further. They want the MEC/Admin to go on record stating that Scope and everything contained in section 1 is not for sale.

I don't know, acl. You hang out with too many 40 year olds. Some of "the pilots" might have another view.
This forum is sometimes too much of an echo chamber. We all like underboob and we hate outsourcing.

Just for fun, let me poke the hornet's nest ---

Most won't say it out loud because its not politically correct among the younger First Officers who post on the Internet, but there are more than a few 50 something year old Captains who definitely don't want to spend a bunch of negotiating capital to try and bring 76 seat jets to the mainline.
Hold the line on scope? --> fine. If the young guys insist. But "recapture" the 70 or 76 seaters? --> No way. That ship has sailed. Bringing Compass and that flying back to mainline was a losing proposition that would have kept us tied in knots for years. Moak cut the chain on that stuck anchor just in time.

Maybe those of us already at the mainline are better off in the long run if we facilitate outsourcing of small gauge flying and just allow the company to continue the bidding wars and whipsaw tactics at DCI.
If RJ pilots want to work for minimum wage, doesn't that subsidize our pay rates?
Isn't it better for us if Delta is more profitable?

And we should be careful saying Section 1 is not for sale.
There are a lot of retirement deadzoners who would be willing to entertain offers.

I'll bet the survey results will be different than the APC conventional wisdom.

(now heading for the bunker)
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