Thread: Thank you FFDOs

frozenboxhauler's Avatar
frozenboxhauler , 09-11-2011 04:32 PM
Nice lookin' tree, there!
Nice lookin' tree, there!
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Quote: Sadly, the training they had been provided said, "Terrorists are reasonable so give them what they want and everybody goes home with a wild story to tell their co-workers and grand children". Many very intelligent people knew that wasn't the case and credible intelligence laid all the pieces on the table. Unfortunately (and it pains me terribly to say this) our arrogant notion that those savages would stay in their own playground and would NEVER threaten us at OUR house was proven horribly incorrect.

The FFDO program has many flaws, but it's infinitely better than nothing. I'm hard pressed to imagine a reason NOT to participate in it. As was printed in another post, "Bring a gun to a knife fight". Having a weapon and wishing you didn't have to deal with procedural crap is tolerable. Not having one when someone is pushing past the 90 lb FA and trying to gain access to the cockpit during a bathroom break is not. On that note: [moderator delete]

Hats off to the guys who give up some of their valuable personal time to make this industry a little safer. Your volunteerism means something and you should take take a little pride in that, but not too much because that would make you irritating to be around .

Happy Patriot Day!
You're so right, Flyin, it was a completely different mindset then, Be safe out there.