Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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buzzpat , 10-16-2011 07:29 PM
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Quote: It does not matter what the cause is, but rather that if you are displaced from your aircraft or base the pilots will not be happy. Same logic, the company feels that moving the 330/320 to ATL will be better for the company and thus the employees, the same logic is used with out-sourcing as far as the company is concerned. Think there should be stronger language as far as closing and downsizing a base, other than using the current flavor of the month in marketing.
Well, actually, not really the same. We in LA have both been downsized AND been outsourced. There's the rub. Internal company maneuverings in terms of equipment and basing is one thing, downsizing a base AND partnering with another company for previous flying is wholly another. I'm sure MSP guys are experiencing some about going through the same thing with our company AND having another company move in and fly our flying? That's the difference. If DAL contracted with SWA to fly most of the routes out of MSP, I'd get you. DAL has contracted with AK to fly most of the 73 routes out of LA. Get it?

I completely agree with you about language in the PWA regarding base closure and downsizing. There's another, larger elephant in the room and its code share. Some bases are immune, some are not. Mine is, and it sucks in both regards.