Thread: DALPA on notice

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TheManager , 10-18-2011 08:35 AM
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Quote: ACL,

(Any other ALPA/DALPA apologists/stalwarts/aficionados feel free to chime in.)

Serious question. You (and several others) advocate an effort to change DALPA within the existing ALPA structure and bylaws. More specifically; attend meetings, introduce resolutions, recall representatives (if necessary), etc.

A resolution was introduced (and passed) to publish the data on Flight Pay Loss. That seems a fairly straightforward and simple thing to do. However literally months have gone by and it's still not available.

If DALPA is unable (or unwilling) to comply with this, why should any of us put the effort in to try and change such a dysfunctional organization from within?

Note: I've tried to postulate this question fairly and would appreciate response(s) in that same vein, and not merely a smart a** reply.
The answer seems to be no. Stalling while waiting for a committee that meets once a month to make recommendations on "how to accomplish" this is deplorable. Anyway to mitigate the damage that committee chairs and such receive 90+ hours a month on the highest equipment they can hold plus 4 figure stipends( all paid for by Delta) seem to be the game plan.

Again, I will note. DALPA is the best advocate for DPA. Their actions, or lack there of, and ALPA's legal ineptitude among other things drive cards in.

TO'Ms PTC showing and the continued stall and delay on providing legitimately comparable AFKLM data serves to sharpen the focus on downward management. The pilots don't like this. Thus, the cards keep coming in, and more and more lanyards and tags are sprouting up on crew members everywhere.

Ultimately DALPA and ALPA will go down due to self inflicted wounds. Real question is.... which one will be first?