Thread: Republic 190's

sizzlechest , 10-19-2011 04:55 PM
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Quote: One list would have been fine if it was a realistic list that was fair and equitable to all parties. Unfortunately, the IBT chose not to participate in a reasonable mediation with the other parties.

Instead the IBT 'shot for the moon' with arbitrator Eishen and got it.

The resulting lopsided, unrealistic SLI guaranteed that the groups could never work together on any kind of 'one list', and as such, guaranteed a separation/sale of the Frontier product.

If the IBT had agreed to a reasonable mediated solution, 'one list' could have been workable and beneficial for all parties.

Instead, you will see Frontier sold. You will also see your 190s and some smaller branded ERJs disappear. Thank you IBT.
Hugely key!!! Way to go IBT!!!