Thread: Republic 190's

AirbornPegasus , 10-19-2011 06:59 PM
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Many of you may remember Gordon Bethune's book "From Worst to First: Behind the Scenes of Continental's Remarkable Comeback "?

BB's new book is coming out shortly "From First to Worst: Lessons on Turning a Top Regional Airline into a Bankrupt Major Airline, with forewords by WH on Union Busting and Bankruptcy Planning" It is supposed to fund his new tennis courts and Olympic size pool at his house.

Unfortunately for all concerned it truly looks like the fuse is lit on the Bankruptcy of RAH or a dramatic change at the top -- or both.

Not being able to make money on planes that are flying around 90+% full, with the lowest labor costs in the industry demonstrates a need for a change in leadership. I really think the BOD at RAH will soon have enough of BB's and WH's lack of performance and vision and require a change. Without a change at the top VERY soon, the Bankruptcy fuse will be VERY short.