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Old 11-06-2011, 06:07 PM
Joined APC: Jul 2010
Posts: 793

Is anyone surprised by the attacks on DPA? Looks to me like the ALPA supporters have taken to the tactic of attacking anyone and anything that dares point out the problems ALPA has. Working to provide an option for an alternative? Hearsay! You should only try to change ALPA by emailing your reps, and volunteering; anything else is complete lunacy, and devoid of earnest desire for bettering pilots' lives!

Honestly, I'm on the fence when it comes to which organization is better for representing my interests, but reading the smear campaign here against DPA leads me to believe the lady doth protest too much. Instead, why not a more intelligent defense to justify ALPA's ways, or an admission that many things do need to change without the standard rebuttal that you need to volunteer to change it from within, or write your reps, or attend a meeting or else your concerns aren't worth listening to? Sounds like all that has been tried, and yet we hear the same tired excuses. Members are apparently fed up with the same ol' lines that have worked in the past; they're tired of being taken for granted; tired of ALPA thinking they're too stupid or lazy to do anything about it; tired of the status quo.
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