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Old 11-15-2011, 06:50 AM
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Joined APC: Oct 2011
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Posts: 35

Originally Posted by FIIGMO View Post
Why not just bring the jets to mainline and not have a B scale. Any support along these lines will only produce more RJ flying. As a former RJ guy I will not accept that. NOTHING GOOD at all going on here.... This b scale scam will do nothing to change QOL for any commercial pilot at any level. This needs to be fought....... time to take a stand.
I'm all for taking a stand, but I don't see it happening. Not because management won't give it, but in the end mainline pilots will give it up. American may hold on to the big iron but those new orders will never see the American paint job. They"ll use the codesahares to fill the 777 and 787, but the 73's go to alaska and the 320's go to jetblue. Don't allow others to do the feed. I work for less than the b scale would most likely provide now. American is in the best position to reclaim the feed flying.
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