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Old 11-19-2011, 06:36 PM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Nov 2011
Position: L&R Seats
Posts: 92

Lot's of great feedback. I really understand everyone's position and value your input. I am fortunate that after I was furloughed as an A&P I was able to build a successful non-aviation related business. But I can't say that it has made me content. I am not positive that a flying job at a regional will help that either. Thus the reason why I started the thread. I understand how the turmoil in the airlines has frustrated many. As I indicated I spent 12 years as an A&P with one. Still, can you imagine contentment doing anything else? As goofy as things were at the airlines, I still find myself drawn to it. Maybe as a "moth to a flame" or a "dog to it's vomit", I don't know. My other option is to go back to work as a full time flight instructor. Most of you know that can be a real burn out as well. Ideally, I'd like to do the 135 deal that one poster mentioned. Unfortunately, I find myself stuck at the <100ME mark and it's hard to get your foot in the door without quality turbine ME time.

My son has a year left of high school. Once he's gone, my wife and I can't see staying here in WI any longer. Good $$ or not, we have no long term plans here. I have waited as long as I have to start applying as the cost to my family was just too great. It seems like if I am going to take the plunge, now is the time.

As much as I like my plane, I don't find hanging around my hangar that fulfilling. Having spent 15 years working in hangars, I just as soon stay away.

I realize this all pilot career might be a "pie in the sky". On the other hand, if I can make it work with the commute, it could be a good way to spend the next 23 years of my life.
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